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212, 2017

Why you shouldn’t convince people to believe in therapy

By | December 2nd, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Why you shouldn’t convince people to believe in therapy

There are people out there who don't believe in therapy. I used to try to convince them about how therapy could help people. I felt like I was a therapy evangelist. I would stand on [...]

112, 2017

Kindergarten rules can help your marriage

By | December 1st, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Kindergarten rules can help your marriage

I’ve been thinking about romantic relationships including marriages and how similar they are to being a child in a kindergarten classroom. Here are my thoughts on the topic below. When we are in kindergarten we [...]

3011, 2017

Self Doubt is Part of My Life

By | November 30th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Self Doubt is Part of My Life

I am full of self-doubt a lot of the time. I'm not sure entirely why this is, but it's been around for as long as I can remember. Since I was a child I have second-guessed myself. [...]

2811, 2017

What if there’s nothing wrong with us?

By | November 28th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on What if there’s nothing wrong with us?

What if there’s nothing wrong with us? What if the issue is with society itself. I believe in mental illness because it’s real. Schizophrenia is real- people actually have paranoid thoughts and delusions and see [...]